Saturday, March 19, 2011

A week of strength and opportunity

This week was an awesome week.On Wednesday we had church group at paseo verde park and we talked about how sin separates us from God and the only way to get back to God is through Christ.  I am apart of the Student Leadership team for Fuse junior high at Central Christian church and tomorrow after church we are going to be going on a red rock trip and i'm hoping that this trip will both help strengthen our faith in God and help us grow closer to him. Have a great day and God Bless :)

The Lord is the strength for his people. He is a fortress for his anointed one.

Psalm 28:8

Thursday, March 3, 2011


Last Sunday I had my first Leadership meeting for Fuse and it was awesome. We read about when Jesus healed the paralytic and then Tony talked about how to be a leader on our school campuses. I went home thinking wow I have treated some of my friends wrong.So I prayed about it and felt like God was telling me to just do my best in showing them his love even if they refuse to listen.I feel like God is showing me new stuff every day

For God loved the world so much that he gave his only son so that whosoever believed in him may not perish but have everlasting life

John 3:16